Service plans

Bosch offers service plans that align with the common applications for cellular connectivity on Bosch control panels. The largest component of data usage is typically destination supervision (poll rate). Session-based applications such as RPS and Remote Security Control (RSC) can also use significant data volume.
To reduce the risk of overages, Bosch offers a shared data structure for all plans. For example, Connection A uses 120 kB on a 100 kB plan and connection B uses 10 kB on a 100 kB plan, your account has 70 kB remaining between the two connections before an overage occurs.
Find full plan information in your Bosch Cellular agreement. Data is shared across connections at the plan level – 100 kB, 1 mB, or 5 mB.

Backup Shared plan

The Backup Shared plan accommodates control panel check-ins daily and up to every 4 hours, plus alarms and very light RPS use. The plan is ideal for:
– Primary residential alarm communication with light RPS capability
– Backup commercial alarm communication with daily supervision and light RPS Standard Share plan
The Standard Shared plan accommodates control panel check-ins every 4 hours up to hourly, plus alarms, Opening and Closing reports, RPS and light RSC application use. The plan is ideal for:
– Primary supervised alarm communication with Open/Close reporting
– Normal RPS sync activity and light RSC application use

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Standard Share plan

The Standard Shared plan accommodates control panel check-ins every 4 hours up to hourly, plus alarms, Opening and Closing reports, RPS and light RSC application use. The plan is ideal for:
– Primary supervised alarm communication with Open/Close reporting
– Normal RPS sync activity and light RSC application use

Commercial Share plan

The Commercial Shared plan allows high supervision for primary or sole path communication in UL commercial burglary or fire applications, along with RPS or RSC application use. The plan is ideal for:
– Multi-destination cellular alarm reporting with supervision
– Heavy RPS usage or firmware upgrading over cellular
– Heavy or multi-user RSC application use
As well as one of the following:
– 200 second supervision for UL1610 Commercial Burglary alarm with Open/Close reporting
– 5 minute supervision (required for UL864 Fire) with Open/Close and RPS or RSC use
– 1 to 4 hour supervision with Open/Close and frequent RPS or RSC application use

Estimate data usage

This section provides information to estimate data usage so you can choose from the available service plans.

Supervision (poll) rate

The poll rate is the rate of cellular check-in messages. The rate is the largest contributor to monthly data usage.
– Check-in (poll) or event (alarm): 100 bytes

Remote programming

RPS data usage varies based on session length and the number of changes. Specific factors to consider:
– Normal Sync (users, passcodes): 5 to 10 kB
– Full download for GV3 and prior: 50 kB
– Full download for B9512G/B8512G, D9412GV4/D7412GV4/D7212GV4, and B Series: 150 kB
– Firmware updates on D9412GV4/D7412GV4/D7212GV4: 700 kB
– Firmware updates on B9512G/B8512G and B Series: 1.4 mB
– RPS Diagnostics: Determined by session duration